On Thu, Dec 07, 2000 at 05:46:54PM -0000, John Horne wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to arrange via cron for an account with several directories to be
> updated overnight. I do not want everything in the account updated - just
> some of the directories. However, I can't seem to see how I can specify in
> one go to copy more than one directory to the remote account. I thought
> initially of:
>    rsync -e ssh -aq tables/ data/ eros:         (eros is the remote host)
> but this just copies the directory contents into the home directory of the
> remote account. I cannot seem to specify:
>    rsync -e ssh -aq tables/ eros:tables data/ eros:data
> so that the contents of each directory is copied into the relevant remote
> directory. Is this possible? The man page for rsync seems to indicate that
> only one remote directory can be specified at a time.

Having a slash at the end of the source specification removes the base
name of the source from the destination filename.  Use just

    rsync -e ssh -aq tables data eros:

- Dave Dykstra

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