Jeff Kennedy [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] writes:

> I have a source directory that is not being touched by anyone, no
> updates or even reads except by the rsync host.  I am using just a
> straight binary, no rsyncd.conf file.  I am using the follwing command:
> rsync -avz /source/path/dir /dest/path/dir
> Using version 2.4.6 on Solaris 7, source and destination are both on a
> NetApp filer.  Seems to run without incident but du's on both
> directories show a 40MB difference.
> Is this normal?  Thanks.

It depends.  You might try comparing the output of a "find -ls"
(perhaps excluding directories) on both trees to see if it's easy to
tell where the difference lies.

One thing that might account for a difference would be if the source
filesystem is a very active one (over time, not at this instant), in
which case its directory files could be much larger due to normal
usage growth, whereas your destination copy is fresh and only as large
as necessary for the actual current file information.  This would
require that the larger side be the source, and I'd expect in that
case the 40MB would have to be a relatively small fraction of the
overall size, which I can't tell from the info provided.

Another possibility is that your source tree has sparse files, which
are being expanded during the copy.  In that case, the --sparse option
of rsync may help, although I have not had need to use it myself in
the past.  Oh, this would also imply that the source filesystem would
be the larger of the two.

Of course, I suppose it's also possible that there's something in your
source that rsync isn't syncing up properly - the find comparision
should be able to highlight that.

-- David

 \               David Bolen            \   E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /
  |             FitLinxx, Inc.            \  Phone: (203) 708-5192    |
 /  860 Canal Street, Stamford, CT  06902   \  Fax: (203) 316-5150     \

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