On Wed, Jan 24, 2001 at 11:11:32AM +1100, Kevin Saenz wrote:
> Ok I have just inherited this system.
> For my lack of understanding please forgive me
> I believe that rsync in running in --daemon mode
> the version of rsync we are using is 2.4.6
> also if this helps we are running rsync using the following
> command line
> rsync -avz --delete --force --progress 
> --exclude-from=/usr/local/etc/exclude.list server::toor/u/groups/asset 
> /u/groups
> this command runs thru a number of files and eventually stops halfway thru
> it's job with the error below
> ERROR: out of memory in generate_sums
> Also we have ommitted --progress as well.
> Has anyone seen this error is there a way to clear it up

You're probably trying to transfer too many files for the amount
of memory/swap space you have.  Rsync as it is currently implemented
uses up a little bit of memory for every file it touches.  Often people
break up their transfers into smaller pieces by copying each top level
directory separately.

- Dave Dykstra

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