On Wed, Feb 07, 2001 at 04:43:02AM +0800, Wrieth, Henry wrote:
> Greetings,
> I primarily use rsync to update remote hosts when source files are edited.
> This means from one host, I upload to many rsync daemons listening on those
> remote hosts.   This is much easier for me than running a daemon on the
> source and executing pulls on all the remote hosts.  
> My problem is that I often want to execute post-distribution scripts on the
> endpoints (daemons) such as 'bounce_the_server'.  This is similar to
> Interwoven's OpenDeploy feature "deploy_and_run".   It seems trivial to do
> this when running rsync over rsh or ssh since we already have .rhosts trust
> to run rsync itself and thus can run other rsh commands.  But when running
> in client-server mode there would need to be a
> '--execute=/path/to/script.sh' Option to do this.
> Has anybody thought about or working on this type of functionality?

Yes, it has been thought about, and I think it is a good idea, but nobody
has done anything about it.  I found an archive of a discussion from two
years ago in the rsync bugs tracker.  See


- Dave Dykstra

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