On Thu, Feb 22, 2001 at 04:59:28PM +1100, Wolfe, MR Phillip wrote:
> Hi There,
> I running with rsync 2.4.3. I have an rsync server, usual port.
> I attempt to copy a file from a client to the server with 
> #pwd
> /tmp
> #rsync -vvv /tmp/filename rsyncserver::trial/tmp
> In amongst the verbose output I find the line:
> cannot create tmp/.filenameyHaanr : No such file or directory
> My log file shows that the module in the rsyncd.conf file is working and
> that bytes are writing and being read.
> Has anyone else suffered this type of error??
> Any feed back greatly appreciated as I'm at a loss.
> Cheers.

Does the module have "read only = no"?  The default is "yes".

- Dave Dykstra

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