On Fri, Feb 23, 2001 at 09:43:18PM +0000, Andrew Clayton wrote:
> Hello,
> I appologise if this is FAQ.
> I have been mirroring a web site between two servers, where the filea have
> varying
> permisions, owners and groups. But they have the same UID/GIDs on both
> systems.
> I have been using the following command.
> rsync --verbose --progress --stats --rsh=/usr/bin/ssh --recursive --times
> --perms --owner --group --links --delete
> --exclude-from=/home/web/rsync-excludes.txt . rigel:/home/html
> And this has been working fine. But I really need to automate this.
> Curently I run this
> as root, and I get asked for root's password on rigel.
> I been playing with rsync, but no joy. Basically I want to accomplish the
> above, but
> without using ssh.
> As a test I setup the following.
> On server1 I created a /etc/rsyncd.conf like

There's probably a way to do it with an rsync daemon but I'd first like to
suggest that you'd be better off using one of the no-password authentication
mechanisms with ssh.  The best one is probably to use ssh-keygen to
generate a key without a passphrase and put the public key half of that
into /.ssh/authorized_keys.  Is that an option?  If you want to limit what
it can do that can be done through the authorized_keys file as well.

- Dave Dykstra

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