On torsdag 22. mars 2001, 16:21, you wrote:
> Hi Williams,
> You were right, my sshd was not running on host2.
> However, when I re-start sshd and run the command I am asked for a root
> password.
> When I run rsync with --rsh option I am NOT prompt for password.
> How can I rsync with -e ssh without being prompt for a password? I run the
> commands from the script and can't be asked for a password.
> RSYNC_COMMAND=/usr/local/bin/rsync --rsync-path=/usr/local/bin/rsync -av -e
> /usr/local/bin/ssh
> Any hints?

You need to generate a set of keys for ssh to use when authenticating. This 
is done using the ssh-keygen command which is part of the OpenSSH package. 
When generating, don't specify a passphrase when asked. You need to move your 
identity.pub (public key) to the host your are connecting to, while the 
identity key stays on the host you are connecting from. If this is all 
gobbledygook (or perhaps as understandable as Norwegian), then you need to 
read a bit of the OpenSSH documentation. Be aware of the fact that there are 
at least two versions of the ssh protocol in use, and several versions of the 
keys. All to make life easy. Come back if you hit the wall.

Best regards

Ragnar Wisløff (speaker of Norwegian)
life is a reach. then you gybe.

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