On Fri, Apr 06, 2001 at 03:20:10PM -0700, Jeff Mandel wrote:
> I'm trying to create a nearline archive.
> I don't have another volume big enough to hold a full backup of the
> master volume, so I can't compare the change set in the usual way.
> I would just like to get whatever was modified in the last day - like
> the results of a find -mtime 1 (or 0) would give. Something like:
> rsync -mtime=1 /vol1/ /vol2
> This would copy the files modified one day ago, but most files would not
> be copied even though they don't exist on the destination, as the source
> files would be older than a day.
> I don't think there's a option to do this with rsync. Did I miss it?
> All suggestions welcome.
> Jeff

Would some of the files exist on /vol2?  If not, why bother with using
rsync?  Why not just use find and cpio?

Alternatively, you could create an include file with find and pass the
include file to rsync along with --exclude '*' to exclude everything else.
Currently you also need to explicitly include all parent directories of
files you want copied.

- Dave Dykstra

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