On Wed, May 02, 2001 at 11:31:31AM +0100, John N S Gill wrote:
> For some time I've been using rsync to sync up some NT file folders and
> it has been working like a treat.
> I use smbmount to mount the NT shares to linux boxes at each end of the
> link and then let rsync do the rest.
> Last week the linux boxes were upgraded to redhat 7.1.  I am now using
> the following packages:
> samba-2.0.7-36
> samba-client-2.0.7-36
> rsync-2.4.6-2
> Since the upgrade i am finding the modify times on the receiving end of
> the job are 2 seconds off from the sending end.
> When I use 'ls -l --full-time' on the NT shares i see that all the
> timestamps on the receiving end have an even number in the seconds
> column.  On the sending end I see a mixture of odd and event seconds
> (note most of the files on the sending end were created by users running
> NT itself).
> It looks like smbmount/samba can only set the time on my NT shares to
> the nearest 2 seconds, but the problems I'm seeing aren't quite that
> simple.
> For instance I see thinks like this:
> (sending machine)
> drwxrwx---    1 rems     rems      512 Wed Mar 21 09:08:40 2001 X/XYZ
> (receiving machine)
> drwxrwx---    1 rems     rems      512 Wed Mar 21 13:08:38 2001 X/XYZ
> If it was as simple as having to round to nearest even time then there
> should be no problem if the time stamp at the sending end had an even
> time.
> I'm not sure if this is a bug or a feature + if it is a bug whether it
> is rsync, samba or NT that is causing the problem.
> The good news is that there is an easy work-around, I have added:
>      --modify-window 2
> to my rsync options.
> However, I'd prefer not to have to do this. 

If I remember correctly, that's precisely why that option was added.  I'm
not sure why you didn't see the problem before.  Ah yes, see
which says it defaults to "2" on Windows.  It would be good if the man page
said it should be 2 when dealing with a FAT filesystem.

- Dave Dykstra

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