On Thu, May 03, 2001 at 11:17:45PM -0400, CLIFFORD ILKAY wrote:
> Hi,
> I need to synchronize /home on ProductionServer with /home on BackupServer 
> periodically. ProductionServer has Samba and netatalk running on it and 
> share files with a network of Windows and Mac OS users. The idea behind 
> BackupServer is if ProductionServer goes down, BackupServer can be pressed 
> into action to replace the down server with minimal interruption. This is 
> not quite fault tolerant but close enough for this purpose. The 
> synchronization interval will be dependent upon the performance of rsync in 
> this scenario so it could be anything from 5 minutes to 15 minutes. The 
> users are creating or editing MS Office files which are stored on the 
> server. What happens when rsync encounters, for example, a Word file that a 
> user is working on? How does rsync deal with files that are in use? Will it 
> skip over the file? Will it just capture whatever is on the disk?

I don't think rsync is a good tool for that application.  If a file is being
modified while rsync is transferring it, the results are undefined.  You'll
be better off with a filesystem that can handle replication.

> How does rsync deal with .AppleDouble files?

I don't know what they are, but I'm sure rsync doesn't do anything special
for them.

- Dave

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