Dave Dykstra wrote:

> On Fri, May 25, 2001 at 02:19:59PM -0500, Dave Dykstra wrote:
> ...
> > Use the -W option to disable the rsync algorithm.  We really ought to make
> > that the default when both the source and destination are local.
> I went ahead and submitted a change to the rsync CVS to automatically turn
> on -W when the source and destination are both on the local machine.

So how do I revert that on the command line?

I've been trying with -W doing my disk to disk backups, and I've had
to go back to not using -W.  Will -c do that?  The reason is the load
on the machine gets so high, nothing else can run.  This is not CPU
load, but rather, buffering/swapping load.  CPU load just slows other
things down.  But buffering/swapping load brings other things to a
grinding halt.  I suspect Linux's tendency to want to keep everything
that anything writes in RAM, even if that means swapping out all other
processes, is impacted by this.  So I'll need a way to not have the
effect of -W to use rsync for disk to disk backups.

The fact that rsync loads so much into VM probably makes the problem
a bit worse in this case.  I saw 1 process at 35M and 2 processes at
70M (total 175M used by rsync, in addition to all the buffered writes).
I'm wondering if rsync is even a good choice for disk to disk backup
duty.  Is there some option I missed that disables pre-loading all
the file names into memory?

I also tried the --bwlimit option and it had no effect, not even on
the usual download syncronizing over a dialup that I do.  I could
not get it to pace the rate below the dialup speed no matter what
I would specify.

| Phil Howard - KA9WGN |   Dallas   | http://linuxhomepage.com/ |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Texas, USA | http://phil.ipal.org/     |

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