David -

No, no problem, yet. Just trying to avoid problems. :) I think the question
really boils down to what happens if the logfile rsyncd is writing to gets
moved out from under it?

Maybe I should just run rsyncd in standalone mode and use /sbin/kill -HUP to
restart it after moving the logfile.

-- Scott

On Wed, Jun 13, 2001 at 03:32:49PM -0500, Dave Dykstra wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 13, 2001 at 04:03:11PM -0400, Scott Russell wrote:
> > Greets.
> > 
> > I'm running rsyncd out of xinetd and will be logging to /var/log/rsyncd.log.
> > Is there anything special I need to do with rsync if I use logrotate to
> > manage the rsyncd.log files? Do I need to 'restart' the rsyncd process if
> > one is running and the log gets rotated?
> I haven't used logrotate, but modified rsync some time ago to have it close
> and re-open the log file on every connection, to allow the log file to be
> moved away when running as a stand-alone background daemon.  When running
> from xinetd you're re-starting rsync completely on every connection so it
> would have worked even without my modification.  Each individual connection
> is pretty short lived so you shouldn't have to worry about any running
> rsync daemon processes.  Are you having a problem?
> - Dave Dykstra


 Scott Russell ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
 Linux Technology Center, System Admin, RHCE.
 T/L 441-9289 / External 919-543-9289

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