About two weeks ago I asked about a way to use rsync to backup (I
wanted to make something in-between a mirror and an incremental
backup).  I wrote a preliminary version of a program that does this
(see http://www.stanford.edu/~bescoto/rdiff-backup), and am now
considering adding remote filesystem support through ssh the way rsync

    Conceptually this may not be too hard, but there are probably
issues that will arise that I don't foresee now.  So if anyone knows
of a description of how rsync does the ssh/rsh client/server bit, or
maybe something more generic on how to use ssh in the way rsync does,
I would appreciate a reference.  I could look at the rsync source, but
it doesn't seem to be overly commented, and I'm not exactly fluent in
C and thought that this post might save me time in any event.  Thanks.

Ben Escoto

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