I apologize if this is a little off-topic, but there has been some general
discussion on this list regarding file sync options in OS X that will handle
both the UNIX- and Mac-specific aspects of the filesystem. There are some
shareware apps out there, but none works to my satisfaction in terms of
handling the data and providing the features I need to keep my laptop and
desktop synchronized.

Ultimately I wrote a shell script to do it properly, and the shell script
grew into a Cocoa app, which I've been using for a few months now, though
I'd still call it an alpha version since it hasn't had any testing other
than my frequent use. I'd like to release it as a shareware app and maybe
fill the gap that presumably exists for others as it existed for me, but
first I'd love to get some feedback in terms of features and usability (as
well as bugs). If anyone's interested in helping me out and can give me some
helpful feedback I will of course provide a free license when it goes
shareware. If you're interested in taking a look, go to:


As I said, it's an alpha version so be careful with it and your data!



David A. Feldman
User Interface Designer

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