Dear all!

        Ive got a problem with rsync on a w2k machine!
        I run this
                rsync -r "\\c/UTILS/" "unixmachine:/home/myuser"

        The message I get from the machine is

                unixmachine: remshd: Login incorrect.
                rsh.exe: can't establish connection
                read error: Connection reset by peer

        The rsh command works fine with the actual configuration eg.
                rsh unixmachine -l myuser ls
        this command returns the ls of the /home/myuser

        Trying to do it with user@unimachine rsh returns an error command like, it
hasnt been used correctly, i dont       really have a clue of whats going on,
because rsync works fine between two unix machines. Any idea? Should i  try
to put rsync as a service?


José Luis Barrera
Developer/Xpert OnLine
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"Every picture holds a tale, every shade tells of a thousand words"

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