On Tue, Dec 03, 2002 at 04:33:38PM -0600, Dr. Poo wrote:
> My name is Chris, Hi!
> I've got rsync being called from a perl script that is called by cron (or for 
> that matter, by hand) and when I 'rsync' a locally mounted samba filesystem 
> (eg. to /mnt/smbfs), it successfully syncs the smbfs to the destination 
> directory, but without reason hangs... and take all my cpu power... 
> When i look at all the processes running, the rsync pid is defuct... and it's 
> actually saying that the parent perl script that made the call is gobbling up 
> all my cpu resources.... 
> This ONLY happens (so far anyways) with the samba mounts... Any suggestions?? 
>       Thanks a bundle!
>               -Chris

The fact that the rsync process is defunct tells me that it
isn't rsync.  Defunct (also known as the zombie state) means
that the process has exited but the parent (your perl
script) has not reaped the status with wait().

It sounds like your perl script is reading from the rsync
output and failing to check for EOF.  If you described or
better sent your perl script someone might be able to help.

        J.W. Schultz            Pegasystems Technologies
        email address:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]

                Remember Cernan and Schmitt
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