
I (unfortunately) have this setup--rsynching FreeBSD boxes to a Windows 2000 machine. The Win2k box is my Veritas BackupExec server, and I don't have a local tape drive for the BSDs.

I was unsuccessful getting either rsync or sshd to work as services under cygwin/cygrunsrv, but thanks to the kind help of Bart Coninckx, at least rsync works nicely as a native Windows service (with some registry entries.) I managed to get a clean installation of Cygwin with both sshd and rsyncd running as services via cygrunsrv on a Win2k laptop,
so I'll be trying this next on my server.



Steve Mallett wrote:
I'm rsyncing over ssh to unix servers now & am wondering what people who use rsync for their unix boxes do when dealing with win 2000/NT machines?

Steve Mallett

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