Bert wrote:

While I don't know the cygwin architecture details, it looks like the /cygdrive functionality is a part of cygwin.dll and can be used without a parent bash shell.

It is part of it's POSIX-layerness, indeed, and it's storen in the registry, so it needs no "startup script" to set it up:
The mapping is stored in the current user's Cygwin /mount table/ in the Windows registry so that the information will be retrieved next time the user logs in. Because it is sometimes desirable to have system-wide as well as user-specific mounts, there is also a system-wide mount table that all Cygwin users inherit. The system-wide table may only be modified by a user with the appropriate priviledges (Administrator priviledges in Windows NT).

Lapo 'Raist' Luchini
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (PGP & X.509 keys available) (ICQ UIN: 529796)

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