Hello all -

I am running rsync 2.5.6 on two FreeBSD 5.0 machines.  I have experimented
with running rsync using ssh, with command lines like the following:

     rsync -rv --progress [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/share/smbshare

And also with running rsync as a daemon on the master server, and syncing to
it from the other machine like so:

     rsync -rv --progress /usr/home/jimbo

Either way, rsync will initially connect just fine, and will transfer some
unspecified but fairly large (gigabyte or so) volume of data, until it
eventually barfs on me with an error like the following:

     rsync: read error: Connection reset by peer
     rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(177)
     rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (21928 bytes read so far)
     rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(165)

The machines in question are connected directly on a 100mbps switched LAN,
with no routers or firewalls or anything of the sort in between them.
Neither machine is running an IPFW firewall either.  I can directly copy or
scp the same files between the two machines - or use smbclient, for that
matter - without issue.

I'm totally stumped here.  Can anyone help?

Thanks in advance...

Jim Salter
JRS System Solutions

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