don't invlove the network levels, this is merely a filesystem to filesystem 'copy', with permission ,ownership retention. the ley is to do this uder an account with the proper perms to read the filesystem totally and use the proper rsync capabilities. This means as root under a unix like OS and as administrator or similiar account under M$ OS'.

rsync -${params} /home/accounts /newhome/accounts

This is almost a cp -pdR or tar type operation. I have the samething working from a croned job in a production env at present <smile>. See, not only does root/admin account have the perms to read the filesystems and write to them, but the ability to use restricted params like -o -g, and since those account levels own everything anyways, no passwd's required. And eliminating the overhead of the network, even loopback seems to actually improve transfer times on LARGE filesystem syncs. Mine are over 3540gigs.


Ron DuFresne

Payal Rathod wrote:

On Tue, Sep 30, 2003 at 09:02:29AM -0700, Wayne Davison wrote:

On Tue, Sep 30, 2003 at 07:20:42PM +0530, Payal Rathod wrote:

$ rsync --password-file=pass -e ssh -av legal.txt [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/accounts
[EMAIL PROTECTED]'s password:

Please refer to the ssh documention for how to setup ssh connections
without being prompted (rsync does not do this for you). Hint: look at
ssh-agent for one solution. Note also that the --password-file option
refers to connecting to a remote rsync daemon, which is not what you're

You may suggest me another way without ssh. I don't want ssh. I didn't knew of anyother way. I just want to copy few users homedirectories.

Thanks and bye.


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