
I've been following discussions around rsync hanging problems on cygwin for
awhile. Since the problem occurs at the end of the pipeline after files are
copied successfully, I thought we can make a kind of workaround : Kill those
processes in a controlled way.

My solution is a perl script : zombrsync.pl. This script does the following

<Endless loop start>

    - get a before-snapshot of all rsync processes
    - wait (60 secs pr default, can be adjusted from command line)
    -get a after-snapshot of all rsync process again
    - Skip rsync daemons (no tty, and different window and posix pids,
something from cygrunsrv I guess!!)
    - Check if the process used processor time (user+system) during our
snapshot interval
    - If the answer is no, then this process is a zombie according to our
criteria - KILL IT.

<Endless loop end>

The script requires that you start rsync via cygrunsrv and cygwin ps command
is available. You need also Win32::Process::Info and all related perl
modules (Win32::API and so on !!)

I tested it on a Windows 2000 machine where I had problems. It works quite
well. A compiled version (EXE file) can be made available at request. I also
have plans to enhance my cwRsync solution (http://itefix.no/cwrsync) with
this feature. Daemonizing, some tests and packaging must be done first.

I will appreciate if some of you can test the script on your platforms and
give me feedback. Here's script :

------------------------------------ zombrsync.pl
start ----------------------------------------------
# zombrsync.pl - Kills rsync zombie processes on Win32/cygwin platform
# v0.5 - Beta version (last one hopefully!), [EMAIL PROTECTED],
# Usage : zombrsync.pl [-i | --interval <checkpoint interval in seconds>]
(default 60 secs)

use strict;
use Win32::Process;
use Win32::Process::Info;
use Getopt::Long;

our $interval = 60;
our @winpid = ();
our %pid = ();
our %tty = ();

our ($pi, @apsinfo, @bpsinfo);

GetOptions ('interval=i' => \$interval)
 or die "Usage : $0 [-i | --interval <seconds>]\n";

$pi = Win32::Process::Info->new ();

# Behave yourself as a stupid daemon !!
while (1) {

 # Get BEFORE-snapshot
 GetPslist ();
 @apsinfo = $pi->GetProcInfo (@winpid);

 sleep ($interval); # Wait

 # Get AFTER-snapshot
 GetPslist ();
 @bpsinfo = $pi->GetProcInfo (@winpid);

 # Check zombies
 foreach my $process (@winpid) {

  # Do nothing if rsync is not attached to a tty AND
  # windows process id is not equal to posix process id (daemon?)
  next if (($process != $pid {$process}) && ( $tty {$process} eq '?'));

  # Well, here we have a candidate, let's check if no processor time is used
  # during our checkpoint interval
  my $aps = $apsinfo[$process];
  my $bps = $bpsinfo[$process];

  my $atime = $aps->{'KernelModeTime'} + $aps->{'UserModeTime'};
  my $btime = $bps->{'KernelModeTime'} + $bps->{'UserModeTime'};

  if ($atime == $btime) { # Got it, a zombie according to our criteria
   Win32::Process::KillProcess($process, -1) ;
   print localtime () .": rsync zombie process $process killed.\n";


#   GetPslist : uses cygwin ps command to get a picture of process status
sub GetPslist {

 open PSFILE, "..\\ps -a |" or
  die "Problems during opening pipe : $!\n";

 @winpid = %pid = %tty = (); # Initialize global structures

 while (<PSFILE>) {

  next if ! (/rsync$/); # only  interested in lines ending with rsync
  split; # ps -a output :  PID  PPID  PGID  WINPID  TTY  ....

  push @winpid, $_[3];
  $pid { $_[3] } = $_[0]; # winpid --> pid
  $tty { $_[3] } = $_[4]; # winpid --> tty

 close PSFILE;


--------------------------------------------- zombrsync.pl
end ----------------------------------------


Rgrds Tev

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