On Fri 19 Dec 2003, Wayne Davison wrote:

> OK, I packaged up the current CVS as our first preview release for
> 2.6.0.  You can grab it here:

I've built i386 and alpha Debian packages, uploaded to experimental.

They're also available at
http://wurtel.op.het.net/rsync_2.5.99pre1-1_alpha.deb and
Sparc maybe to follow tomorrow, if there's any demand...
(my sparc's very slow and noisy...)

The different numbering is because in Debian, 2.6.0pre1 is considered
higher than 2.6.0 by the package management tools, and I don't want to
screw up the version of the real release...

The dependencies are: libc6 (>= 2.3.2.ds1-4), libpopt0 (>= 1.7)
An up to date "testing" should suffice.

The source package is also available in the Debian experimental archive,
and alternatively at


The last is identical to:

>     http://samba.org/ftp/rsync/preview/rsync-2.6.0pre1.tar.gz

It's just been renamed to comply with the versioning thing.

Paul Slootman

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