Ron DuFresne wrote:
sure avoid all perm/user issues by making the whole server suid. seen kids do that when they tired of having to su - root on their linux systems.

this command is only one line extracted from a script. Syncing of other files require root privileges one the server side, eg squid logs.

The alternative would be to enable ssh for root for those particular cron jobs <make sure the sshd_config is edited to disable this mischeif after the job has run> and send and recieve as root on both ends, and set the proper rsync switch to retain onwers/perms .

i have tried to refrain from being root on both systems. ;-)
The backup machine is quite paranoid, access is restricted by firewall filtering of the MAC/IP pairs. It would be quite disappointing to allow remote root access.
I am having trouble with user/group matching, too, as a consequence.


I am currently setting up a backup script for the /home directory of a server. I send all the files on a remote machine through LAN connection using rsync to optimize bandwidth usage.

The script is run as root on the server by a cron job but rsync connects to the remote machine as a normal user via an ssh key certificate. This leads to many "permission denied" errors, as the server side can read files (as root), but cannot create them on the receiving side.

rsync -azSHe ssh --delete --numeric-ids /home [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/mnt/backup/

Is there an option to ignore only such errors? I have read the man page over and over but i could not find anything to suit my needs.

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