On Fri, 16 Jul 2004, Swapnil wrote:

>  1. I want to know whether rsync server and client are available for
>       * Novell servers
>       * Windows 2003
>       * Windows 2000 server
>       * Windows NT
>       * Windows XP
>       * Xservers
>       * Mac OS X
>       * Mac OS 9

I am unaware about Novell, but I do know that you can run rsync under 
Windows by using Cygwin. As for Mac OS X, it's Unix based, so grab the 
source and compile. I am unsure about Mac OS 9.

>  5. I want to know If rsync Server is receiving the data of around 1 GB 
> every day what is harware configuration recommended for the better 
> performance.

We maintain just under 1TB per server with 20 or 30 backup targets and 
don't see the load average (admittedly a poor measure of performance) 
exceed 4.0.

>  7. For backing data across different clients on different platform (as 
> I mentioned earlier) do we need data to be backup should be availble on 
> shares(NFS/CIFS) ? or what rsync supports ?

There are some weird hang bugs during certain scenarios when backing up 
a Windows client to a Linux server. We found (and so have others) that 
using a push, rather than a pull seems to clear up the problem.


 Quantum Linux Laboratories, LLC.
 ACCELERATING Business with Open Technology

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  social values more noble than mere monetary profit." - FDR
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