There is a build of GZip (under Debian I think) that has an rsync friendly option.  I have posted a patch for zlib to this newsgroup with code that makes zlib rsync friendly (along with some extra optimizations over the GZip implementation).
Take a look in the list archives and you'll find the patch.
- K
Original Message
> Hello,

Rsync is great, thanks to all who work on it.  Does anyone have any good
strategies for keeping the backups on the remote side compressed on disk?
I'm under the impression that gzipping the files would not work as they
would not be available to rsync in the uncompressed state for subsequent
backups.  A compressed filesystem would be prefect, but the only
references I could find was for a non-production quality kernel mod for
ext2 (I'm running ext3).  Has anyone else tackled this issue?


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