Matt McCutchen wrote:

>On Tue, 2006-03-28 at 16:58 -0800, Plugger wrote:
>>We have a server with about 400GB of data that we are trying to backup
>>with rsync. [...] When it runs,
>>however, the load averages on the content1 server continue to grow to
>>the 100s, bringing the server to a practical standstill.
>If your individual files are larger than a gigabyte or so, Shachar
>Shemesh's dynamic hash patch may improve performance significantly.  I
>recommend you try an rsync with that patch.  To build one, extract the
>rsync source package, run "patch -p1 <patches/dynamic_hash.diff",
>configure, and make.
Just a reminder to everyone that we are still looking for feedback on
whether it is, indeed, effective.

If you compiled rsync with the dynamic_hash patch, and it indeed reduced
the load (or if it didn't), please do report it here.

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