On Fri, 2006-03-31 at 18:50 +0200, Julian Pace Ross wrote:
> Yep I tried those two options, and nothing... 
> Even if the pre-user conf files have a log file in the same directory,
> which I touch before trying, messages keep going to syslog... I tried
> with 666 permissions on rsyncd.log too just to make sure...

I can reproduce this bad behavior!

I have the following rsyncd.conf in my home directory:
                log file = /home/matt/rsync/test-daemon/rsyncd.log
                log format = [From: %a] [To: %m] %o %f %u [Size: %b]
                use chroot = false
                transfer logging = true
                   path = modules/module1
                   hosts allow =
                   read only = false
                   uid = matt
                   gid = matt
                   incoming chmod = g-rwx,o-rwx
                   list = false
And I have modules/module1 with a test file in it.  The following
                [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ rsync -vv -e ssh 
                opening connection using ssh localhost rsync --server --daemon .
                opening connection using --server --sender -vv --list-only . 
                drwx------          72 2006/03/31 12:08:32 .
                -rw-------           0 2006/03/31 12:08:32 testfile
                delta-transmission enabled
                sent 82 bytes  received 78 bytes  106.67 bytes/sec
                total size is 0  speedup is 0.00
And I get nothing in rsyncd.log but the following in syslog:
                Mar 31 12:20:44 mattlaptop rsyncd[9157]: connect from 
mattlaptop (
                Mar 31 12:20:44 mattlaptop rsyncd[9157]: rsync allowed access 
on module module1 from mattlaptop (
                Mar 31 12:20:44 mattlaptop rsyncd[9157]: rsync on module1/ from 
mattlaptop (
                Mar 31 12:20:44 mattlaptop rsyncd[9157]: sent 78 bytes  
received 82 bytes  total size 0

Matt McCutchen

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