Brad Farrell wrote:
> Hi there
> Is there a way with rsync to encrypt data at the source before
> transmitting?  Not talking about the actually transmission, but the
> data itself.  I’ve got a few department heads that want their data
> secured before it leaves their computer so that no one in the office
> can access the data except for them.
Rsync does not encrypt the files in a way that is impossible for the
receiving machine to decrypt. There is no way (that I know) to integrate
that seemlessly into the process.

What you can do, however, is encrypt the files, and then run rsync on
the encrypted result. Touting my own horn here, have a look at
rsyncrypto ( for an encryption scheme
that does not totally destroy rsync's wire efficiency.

> Thanks.
> Brad Farrell
> Brevell Consulting
> ph: 403-279-6380
> fx: 403-568-2112

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