On Tue, 17 Oct 2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Chuck Wolber wrote:
> > I've always wanted to have an api like that, but I've always been wary 
> > of chasing protocol changes. A wrapper is the simplest way, but it's 
> > still a bad approach IMHO. librsync is sort of a good idea too, but 
> > the idea still chases the protocols, and it looks pretty dead to boot.
> > 
> > How do we get rsync itself to expose a language independent 
> > programmable API that's cleaner than the fork/exec/commandline model? 
> > What would such a thing even look like?
> Actually what we thought was to call rsync on the command line. I do not 
> know if this is considered bad style. But it is better than replicating 
> the rsync know-how into another piece of code - I would consider this as 
> madness.

I don't consider calling rsync from the commandline a clean approach, but 
I do consider it the only realistic option currently.

I would never consider replicating rsync know-how in another piece of 
code. That's what I mean when I say "chasing protocols". It's a waste of 
time. The rsync client has a hard enough time as it is syncing protocols 
with itself.

> We are thinking more about GUI wrapper which is nice for end-users and 
> is specifically created for the service we mentioned in the beginning - 
> easy creation of remote backup services. This means - somebody with 
> server architecture can simply give this application to their clients 
> (may be with hard coded server address) - so the only thing they need to 
> do is to choose what to backup and to be able to browse the backup in 
> order to restore.
> Is this different from what you initially imagined?

Yes, completely different. Good luck! And yes, I agree that a Tcl/tk 
implementation is probably the right way to go for what you're doing.


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