On Mon, 2007-01-29 at 17:13 -0800, Wayne Davison wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 29, 2007 at 05:49:23PM -0600, Jeff Mundine wrote:
> > Trying to get an AIX (5.3) to run rsync 2.6.2 as a daemon
> For any process to be able to affect a file's ownership, it must be
> running as root.  The default daemon config runs each transfer process
> as user nobody.  To change this, specify uid/gid in your rsyncd.conf:
> uid = 0
> gid = 0
Yep, that was the one. I had suspected something like that was the case,
but am a little dumb when it comes to some of the permissions and system

> > However, if I ever attempt to add a flag to preserve permissions, like:
> > rsync -a test_file test_box::test_module
> > these are the errors:
> That's very strange (and, as an aside, the "test_module" doesn't match
> your cited config file, which had a single "test" module).  You can at
> least rule out that this was already fixed by trying 2.6.9 and seeing if
> the errors persist.
yeah, type-o, replaced alot of the info to mask server names and he

> ..wayne..

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