Stephen Zemlicka
Integrated Computer Technologies
PH. 608-558-5926

-----Original Message-----
From: Suresh Govindachar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, October 01, 2007 12:06 PM
To: 'Stephen Zemlicka'; rsync@lists.samba.org
Subject: RE: why not a gui for rsync

  > What exactly are you looking for in monitoring it?  The -v
  > should give you a verbose output.  If you want more details, I
  > think you can specify multiple -v to give you a more verbose
  > output.

  As my question indicates, I know the above.

    | So the question remains:  In regard to output, rsync has
    | the following features:  
    |     a) -v option with various levels of verbosity 
    |     b) --stats 
    |     c) --log-file=foo 
    |     d) messages rsync prints to stdout 
    |     e) messages rsync prints to stderr. 
    | Where can one find an explanation of the format, content
    | and interpretation of the outputs (a-e)?

  What I do not know is how to interpret the output from rsync.
  To give some specific examples: 
  1) consider the message:

     2007/09/13 16:50:52 [13688] receiving file list
     Isn't the list of files determined from the command line used to
     invoke rsync?  So what this new list of files that are being
     received from where and by whom? 

  2) In the following three lines,

     2007/09/13 17:44:29 [13688] >f..t.... cmsstorage.lst
     2007/09/13 17:50:53 [13688] >f.st.... WINDOWS/SYSTEM/FFASTLOG.TXT
     2007/09/13 17:50:53 [13688] >f+++++++ WINDOWS/TEMP/CP1293.TMP

     what does the ">f<stuff>" mean?

  3) In the following, 

     2007/09/13 17:43:10 [13688] IO error encountered -- skipping
     file deletion

     for what transaction was the IO error encountered:  while
     reading the source (which file exactly)?, while writing the
     destination (which file exactly)?, while talking from sender
     rsync process to receiver rsync process?, while talking from
     receiver rsync process to sender rsync process?  

  4) What are the consequences of the following skip?

     IO error encountered -- skipping file deletion

     How can I know determine whether or not the "skipping" had any
     bad effects?

  So the question is: Where can one find an explanation of the
  format, content and interpretation of the outputs (a-e)?


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