On Nov 15, 2007, at 3:02 PM, Daniel Maher wrote:
As i cannot get 3.0.0pre5 to work in my environment (throwing crazy
errors which i've posted previously), i would like to revert to 2.6.9 .
Of course, the reason i tried to use v3 in the first place was for the
acl, xattr, and fake-super options - which, evidently, can be enabled
under 2.6.9, as per the following sources:

http://fresh.t-systems-sfr.com/unix/src/misc/rsync-2.6.9.tar.gz:a/ rsync-2.6.9/patches/fake-super.diff

I can successfully apply both acls.diff and xattrs.diff to the 2.6.9
source, however, fake-super.diff is not as smooth:
$ patch -p1 < patches/fake-super.diff

Did you apply first acfs, then xattrs, then fake-super? You need to apply them in that order.

If i attempt to compile, make completes successfully (albeit with some
warnings), and i get an rsync binary.

... which clearly will be broken.

I am curious if anybody has successfully enabled acl, xattr, and
fake-super support in 2.6.9 . If so, i would /love/ to know how you did
it, as i'm starting to get a little desperate for a solution!

I had no problems when I did this.
Can you give the complete sequence of commands you are running, from untarring to patching the fake-super patch? (again: first acl, then xattr)

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