On 12 Feb 2008, at 00:01, Matt McCutchen wrote:

On Mon, 2008-02-11 at 23:58 +0000, Cavan Fyans wrote:
Thanks for the quick help guys!  The external backup server will be
online, just not with a large enough connection to realistically
backup via the connection, hence the transportation system!

Since it will be online then presumably i can use the write-batch
option as the in house server will be able to see the backup server to
decide what needs transferring, and then just do the transporting of
the batch on the intermediate drive?

Yes, that should work well.


Great, thanks for all the help! One other problem now, one of the studio servers is an XServe and therefore running off an OS x machine. It has an older version of RSync installed on it (2.6.3) which does not have the 'only-write-batch' option - I presume this was just added in the newer versions and its not something that is excluded in the build for the OS x system? I tried updating to the latest RSync version (2.6.9) on this machine but after installing (./ configure, make, make install) it has clearly not replaced the previous version of Rsync. Am I missing something blindingly obvious here that i need to do to update the RSync version on the OS x machine?

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