On 13 Feb 2008, at 03:11, Matt McCutchen wrote:

On Tue, 2008-02-12 at 20:31 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
The destination file system is  Read Only, but RSYNC takes the time
and looks as if the transfer is happening, but of course it is not.
I would like RSYNC to terminate as soon as it knows its destination
is Read only.

I'm not convinced that it's worth adding code to rsync to second- guess a
filesystem misconfiguration.  If the filesystem backing
[EMAIL PROTECTED]::Downloads is always mounted read-only, you should just set
"read only = yes" for the module in the daemon configuration; then
pushes will abort immediately.


The problem is that I am syncing to a HFSPlus volume that occasionally decides to go read-only, so the share Download is unintentially on a Read only Volume. The -i option also indicates the file is copied when it is not.

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