I am trying to change our backup strategy from one where we include only 
certain directories and exclude everything else to a blanket include and a list 
of excluded files and/or directories.

I am pulling files from an rsync 2.6.9 daemon with the following command:

rsync -avrH --numeric-ids --ignore-errors --delete --delete-excluded --stats 
--filter=". mergelist.dat" remoteservername::modulename /localbackupdir

The issue at hand is this:

I want to include certain files (hopefully with a wildcard) from the remote 
server in a directory called /scratch2/prod_dp_exports/ but exclude any other 
files or directories recursively starting at /scratch2/

I also want to include everything else (/) from the remote server except for a 
few directories/mountpoints that I will also be specifying (/proc/*, /sys/*, 

I have played with --files-from, --include-from and --exclude-from as well as 
the --filter included in the command above, but I can't seem to make this 

An example of the filter file I've been trying to get working:

+ /
+ /scratch2/prod_dp_exports/FULL*
- /scratch2/*
- /proc/*
- /sys/*
- /dev/*

I seem to have much better luck with the reverse logic, meaning including only 
what I want and adding a "- *" to the end of my filter file.

Any thoughts/comments/flames would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards,
Sterling Windmill

     Sterling Windmill
      Systems and Technology
      Phone: 586-752-9671 Ext 161
      Fax: 586-752-6589

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