On Apr 8, 2008, at 12:53 PM, Wayne Davison wrote:
I have released rsync 3.0.2.  This is a security release to fix a
potential buffer overflow in the extended attribute support.  For
more details, see the rsync security advisory page:


There is a patch there that can be applied to 2.6.9 (if you were using
the xattrs.patch), 3.0.0, or 3.0.1.

Thanks Wayne,
I only use the fileflags and crtimes patches. Can I just use them from the patch files directory released with 3.0.1, on 3.0.2?

Those running a writable rsync daemon can opt to refuse the "xattrs"
option in their daemon config to avoid the problem without an upgrade.

I would like to thank Sebastian Krahmer for bringing this bug to my

To see the brief summary of the changes since 3.0.1, visit this link:


You can download the source tar file and its signature from here:


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