On Mon, 2008-06-02 at 15:08 -0700, Matt McCutchen wrote:
> On Mon, 2008-06-02 at 14:59 -0700, Tony Mantler wrote:
> > What I need to do is turn this whole thing inside out, so that my
> > program launches rsync rather than rsync launching my program. The
> > reason for this is that my program needs to operate as a plugin as well
> > as standalone.
> Right.  I was suggesting an rsync daemon for the inside-out case where
> you can't easily pass the server arguments using your program.

Ah, ok. Sure.

> > Well, it won't work on windows for one thing, and that's apparently one
> > of my target platforms. (not by choice, I assure you)
> It might work under Cygwin, but you're right, that's iffy.  I suggest
> you compile your own rsync with the proposed patch:
> https://bugzilla.samba.org/attachment.cgi?id=3116&action=view

I think that might be the way I end up going. Thanks.
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