Rob Bosch wrote:
I've been trying to figure out why some large files are taking a long time
to rsync (80GB file).  With this file, the match process is taking days.
I've added logging to verbose level 4.  The output from match.c is at the
point where it is writing out the "potential match at" message.  In a 9 hour
period the match verbiage has changed from:

Can you tell where the bottleneck is? Is it on the sender's CPU? The receiver's? The network? Local IO on either sides?
I believe this means that 4.8GB of the file has been processed in this 9
hour period?  Blocksize is currently manually set at 1149728, 4 times the
default value.
Rsync does have some CPU inefficient behavior for especially large files. However, it should not happen at the block size you are using (assuming the files are fairly identical). Try increasing it a little further, to 1638400 (80% utilization on the hash table), and see if things are any better.

Are the files fairly identical?

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