We are using rsync to pull backups created on our server.
The command below is run as a cronjob and it works great.
rsync -avu --rsh "ssh -l root" [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/lib/mysql/backups/ 

We have a new server that will replace the old server that rsync pulls backups 
On the system that is running rsync, I switched the servername in the command 
above to the new server.
Rsync is failing to work because it wants the root password for the new server.
Rsync does not ask for a password from the old server, even when I manually run 
the command.

I did not set up the rsync routine and thus I don't know if there is a file on 
the old server that rsync is communicating with to bypass asking for roots 

What is required for rsync to use the above command to pull backups from the 
new server, and not want root's password entered?



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