Thomas Ebert wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a problem backing up my music collection, that is stored on a 
> fat32 formated hard drive to my ext3 formated backup drive 
> (ext3 to ext3 
> works like a charm :) ).
> The problem is, that rsync always transfers all of the files and not 
> only the one that were changed/added.
> I know of the limitations fat32 has but I can't find the 
> correct options 
> to run the backup.
> Thanks
> Thomas
> -- 

Probably need something like  (from man)
  --modify-window=NUM     compare mod-times with reduced accuracy

To store time-of-day in 16 bits, Windows can only handle even seconds.
(or is it odd?)  Maybe any choice is wrong ;)

  --modify-window=1 is probably adequate
personally, I' use something like 

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