On Wed, 2008-12-24 at 09:37 +0530, Jignesh Shah wrote:
> Could you please tell me why I am getting below errors in rsync 3.0.4?
> I have rsync 3.0.4 both side.

> use...@system123:/userid> rsync -avz --debug=exclude --info=skip
> --info=name2 tmp/* sys2.nyc:/userid/tmp/
> rsync: --debug=exclude: unknown option
> rsync error: syntax or usage error (code 1) at main.c(1423)
> [client=3.0.4]

> [similar cases...]

The --info=* and --debug=* options require a 3.1.* development version
of rsync from the source repository.

> use...@system123:/userid> rsync -avz  -w tmp/* sys2.nyc:/userid/tmp/
> rsync: -w: unknown option
> rsync error: syntax or usage error (code 1) at main.c(1423)
> [client=3.0.4]

I think you misread my -vv (two occurrences of the letter v) as -w.


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