You can switch to a filesystem that supports transparent encrytpion
(Reiser, ZFS, NTFS, others depending on your OS). Rsync would be
completely unaware of any file-system level compression in that case.

Or you can use gzip with the --rsyncable option. Not all distributions
of gzip support --rsyncable, as the last officially "stable" release
of gzip was way back in 2003.

On Mon, Jan 19, 2009 at 9:14 AM, Mag Gam <> wrote:
> Hello All,
> I have been using rsync to backup several filesystems by using Mike
> Rubel's hard link method
> (
> The problem is, I am backing up a lot of ASCII .log, csv, and .txt
> files. These files are large and can range anywhere from 1GB to 30GB.
> I was wondering if on the target side (the backup side), if I can use
> some sort of compression. I am using ext3 filesystem.
> Any ideas?
> --
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