Am Dienstag, 20. Januar 2009 schrieben Sie:
> On Sun, Jan 18, 2009 at 01:03:29PM +0100, August C. Quint wrote:
> > I've created a little script that makes a backup of my home-directory
> > using rsync. When I call this script again _all files_ will be copied
> > again.
> You should ask rsync to tell you what is going on using the -i option.
> If you see an itemized 't', that means it's a time issue, and you should
> look to see why rsync think the times differ between the files after the
> copy.
> ..wayne..

Hello Wayne,

everything works now. I don't know what happend but my script does what I 

When I start my rsync-script and then start it again it takes  <1minute to 
compare the source- and dest-dirs and to decide that nothing is to do. And 
when I look into the prot-file I created by piping the output into a file I 
can see that no files were copied.
That's what I expected.

I didn't know what happened in the past.

Sorry for coming with a false-alarm.


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