On Sat, 2009-02-28 at 13:31 +0100, Kurt wrote:
> Hi - is there a clever way to identify files that have been change on  
> the local _and_ the remote location? Without such a check it may  
> happen, that changes are lost without even noticing.
> One way to identify such files would be to do a dry-run upsync, then a  
> dry-run downsync, find files that would have been sync'ed in both dry- 
> runs, and then prompt the user for some action.
> Is anybody aware of a shell script doing this, or is there an other  
> clever way to solve that issue?

If "conflicting" modifications are a concern, you should probably be
using a two-way synchronization tool such as Unison
( http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/unison/ ).


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