Really weird!

root folder is OK, but others returned -1. Why?
I'm in recv_files access / ret = 0
I'm in recv_files access /home ret = -1
I'm in recv_files access /home/admin ret = -1
I'm in recv_files access /home/admin/test ret = -1

Thoese folder does exist. I use rsync --daemon to launch the program and
triggered with another rsync client.

drwxr-xr-x   7 root   root     4096 2009-03-31 16:29 home
drwxr-xr-x   6 admin  admin   4096 2009-05-22 15:24 admin
drwxrwxrwx 3 admin admin 4096 2009-05-22 15:27 test

BTW, rsync version 3.0.5.

Any help is really appreciated.

On Fri, 2009-05-22 at 16:14 +0800, Daniel.Li wrote:
> Dear List,
> When I use "access" function to find out if the folder exist in rsync
> code. I found that it's will NOT act as normal function.
> I have tried 2 test:
> a) embedded in rsync function  "int recv_files(int f_in, char
> *local_name)" and hard coded with following line. 
> access("/home/admin/test",F_OK)
> Result: Failed with -1, just mean the test folder is NOT existed, but it
> does exist.
> b) simple "hello world program"
> OK.
> Result: return 0, folder exist.
> Right now, I can't figure out what's wrong. Can anyone give a tip?
> Thanks in advance.
> --
> Daniel
Daniel Li

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