I'm trying to sync from 3.0.5 to 2.5.5 (SCO, *sigh*) The source
machine errors out b/c the --remove-source-files (or
--remove-sent-files) options don't exist on 2.5.5. 

But, since these option are only acted on by the sending machine (which 
is where I'm typing the command line), it would be so nice if the source 
machine would NOT pass the option on to the receiver (or at least, not 
barf when it doesn't work). Any way to do this?


Nachman Yaakov Ziskind, FSPA, LLM       aw...@ziskind.us
Attorney and Counselor-at-Law           http://ziskind.us
Economic Group Pension Services         http://egps.com
Actuaries and Employee Benefit Consultants
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