
i386 Platform; FreeBSD v. 7.2 O/S
I am experiencing repeated rsync failures, rsyncing from a remote site to
which I have no access.
>From the client side I can run truss to collect system calls

truss -faedD -o truss.out -s 64 /usr/local/bin/rsync -avvv --contimeout=1200
--port=33444 ftp.wwwxxx.org::ftp . >> rsynclog &

>From truss.out =>

44755: 4492.350089813 0.000022629
= 932 (0x3a4)
44755: 4492.369490252 0.019248456 select(5,{4},{},0x0,{60.000000 }) = 1
44755: 4492.369704537 0.000033806
= 0 (0x0)
44179: 5240.807487992 59.997897666 select(6,{5},{4},{4},{60.000000 }) = 1448
44755: 4552.250247445 59.880366899 select(5,{4},{},0x0,{60.000000 }) = 0
44179: 5266.606680255 25.798976860 select(6,{5},{4},{4},{60.000000 }) = 1
44755: 4552.250720436 0.000172936 read(4,0x2832d94c,1712) = 1 (0x1)
44179: 5266.607031995 0.000070125
ERR#54 'Connection reset by peer'
44755: 4552.251465543 0.000424099 write(2,"rsync: read error: Connection
reset by peer (54)",48) ERR#32 'Broken pipe'
44179: 5266.607818450 0.000371296 write(2,"rsync: writefd_unbuffered failed
to write 4092 bytes to socket ["...,92) = 48 (0x30)
truss -faedD -o truss2.out -s 64 /usr/local/bin/rsync -avvv
--contimeout=1200 --port=33444 ftp.wwwxxx.org::ftp . >> rsynclog &

>From truss2.out =>

51555: 3544.012714084 0.000033246 read(4,"\^D\^Z\M-[x\M-Yh\M-Kq\M-K\M-u\f
\^W\M^@"{;\M-S\^\\M^Ka.z\M-7\M-?"...,2979) = 1448 (0x5a8)
51555: 3544.035004990 0.022113220 select(5,{4},{},0x0,{60.000000 }) = 1
51555: 3544.035232405 0.000036599
= 0 (0x0)
51131: 4334.813165129 59.998854264 select(6,{5},{4},{4},{60.000000 }) = 1448
51555: 3603.843847492 59.808422594 select(5,{4},{},0x0,{60.000000 }) = 0
51131: 4369.290360040 34.476947659 select(6,{5},{4},{4},{60.000000 }) = 1
51555: 3603.844274944 0.000132985 read(4,0x2832dfa9,83) = 1 (0x1)
51131: 4369.290674063 0.000073477
ERR#54 'Connection reset by peer'
51555: 3603.845026756 0.000422702 write(2,"rsync: read error: Connection
reset by peer (54)",48) ERR#32 'Broken pipe'
51131: 4369.291463312 0.000368223 write(2,"rsync: writefd_unbuffered failed
to write 4092 bytes to socket ["...,92) = 48 (0x30)

Could some one point out where the error may be occurring, there are two
steps where it seems
that read(4 ...) returns a 1, 4th line from the bottom - could that be it,
i.e. the error source?

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