OK, I'll bite.
With all file system designs, there is a tradeoff between speed and safety.
This tradeoff occurs at all levels where there might be something that buffers 
Writing into the middle of a structure can be incredibly slow if everything is 
done safely.

Enter disk caches (Operating System, Disk controller, Disk itself)
Much much faster, BUT if mother nature pulls the plug, very weird things can 

Expect everything to be very non-informative about the strategy used.

With an SD card I would expect everything in the chain to NOT wait for the SD 
card to be finished.
Might even take a few minutes for the disk cache to be flushed to the SD card.
Makes no difference unless you pull the SD card prematurely 
(or possibly in some cases actually look at what is actually on the card)

-----Original Message-----
From: rsync-boun...@lists.samba.org [mailto:rsync-boun...@lists.samba.org] On 
Behalf Of Henri Shustak
Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2011 6:17 PM
To: rsync
Subject: Re: files not moved immediately to final destination from temp 
location after rsync returns with success

> I am using rsync version 3.0.7 on an arm linux based embedded device. The 
> device pulls data periodically from a rsync server and stores the files on an 
> SD card. The partial, temp and final rsync destinations all reside on the SD 
> card.
> I came across an issue where it seems that the rsync call returned with a 
> success but the files that it pulled are not moved immediately to its final 
> destination. 

You could try issuing the 'sync' command? However, I do not think believe that 
this should be required. 

Perhaps someone else on this list will have some other ideas?

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