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I handle this by actually backing up to "backupname.incomplete".  Once
the backup is complete I then rename it to
"backupname.yyyy-mm-dd.HH-MM-SS".  That way all of the backups with
date+time stamps in the name are completed backups and if a backup
fails repeatedly that will not count multiple times against the number
of backups I intend to keep.

On 01/23/13 03:15, Voelker, Bernhard wrote:
> Kevin Korb wrote:
>> On 01/22/13 18:12, Kevin Korb wrote:
>>> That is the old way that pre-dates --link-dest.  Instead of cp
>>> -al daily.02 daily.01 you can do a mkdir daily.01 then an rsync
>>> ... --link-dest=../daily.02 daily.01
>>> Rsync then doesn't need any --delete and you don't bother
>>> making any hard links that will eventually be replaced.  Plus
>>> the linking happens while rsync is running so it is usually
>>> much faster.
>> Also, if you put dates and times in the file names instead of
>> .01, .02, etc you don't have to do any mv's, you can easily tell
>> when each backup was run, and ls can tell you which the newest
>> and oldest are.
> Please tell me if I'm wrong, but depending on the scenario, it has
> one week point:
> I'm using a similar script on some desktop PCs. The problem is, 
> that - due to the fact that it's a desktop PC - the backup can be
> killed during a shutdown ... leaving the last backup uncomplete. 
> That's not a problem per se, but with the next backup, the missing 
> files are copied freshly from the source and thus exhausting
> backup space. Therefore, the script I'm using rotates the snapshot
> *after* a successful run of rsync.
> Have a nice day, Berny

- -- 
        Kevin Korb                      Phone:    (407) 252-6853
        Systems Administrator           Internet:
        FutureQuest, Inc.               ke...@futurequest.net  (work)
        Orlando, Florida                k...@sanitarium.net (personal)
        Web page:                       http://www.sanitarium.net/
        PGP public key available on web site.
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