On Tue 13 Aug 2013, Matthias Schniedermeyer wrote:
> On 13.08.2013 09:52, Paul Slootman wrote:
> > On Tue 13 Aug 2013, Sherin A wrote:
> > 
> > > But if a user create  a
> > > hard link to /etc/shadow from his home dir , and he request a restore ,
> > > then he can read the shadow files and decrypt it .
> > 
> > If he can make a HARD link to the shadow file, then he can already read
> > it - and worse.
> No.

My mistake for assuming that people run current linux kernels...

    /proc/sys/fs/protected_hardlinks (since Linux 3.6)
        When  the value in this file is 0, no restrictions are placed on
        the creation of hard links (i.e., this is the historical  behavā€
        iour  before  Linux  3.6).   When the value in this file is 1, a
        hard link can be created to a target file only  if  one  of  the
        following conditions is true:

I would suggest that upgrading the kernel is a better solution for the
OP than patching rsync.  If your backup strategy involves backuping up
files as root to a medium that is readable by everyone so that the link
in the user's home directory is restorable as the user, then there are
more problems waiting to happen besides this...

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